Stop Guessing What Sales Skills Matter Most

When it comes to solution selling training, stop guessing what skills your sales team is lacking. Stop training everyone on everything. Stop guessing what skills matter most.

To impact sales and margins determine exactly where you should focus your investment and your efforts.

The first step is to determine what skills in your market for your sales strategy most highly correlate to sales success. Take a close look at your top salespeople. Find out why they succeed while others fail. Go out into the field and accompany both high and low performers so you can get a sense of what works and what does not. More often than not you should be looking at the leading sales activities that most influence revenue, margin, win rate, portfolio mix, deal size, and sales cycle.

Once you know what competencies make the top tier of the team effective and the low tier ineffective, you can identify the skill gaps. Assess the team so you know who needs what training and create individual development and coaching plans to highlight strengths and address individual weaknesses.

Finally you are ready to provide the tools the sales team needs to succeed. Targeted, relevant training followed by on-the-job coaching will keep your team at the top of their game.

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