Help Your Customers Get to “THE” Answer

Solution selling training is all about asking the right questions. Not just the questions that lead to a sale…but the questions that uncover the customer’s real personal and professional needs. If you have been in sales very long, you have discovered that customers do not always diagnose their real problems accurately. Your job, if you truly want to help your customers and build long-term customer loyalty, is to ask the insightful questions that will lead them to the root cause of their business challenges.

How many times have you been told that “our sales team needs more training” only to determine that a lack of training is not the problem? Instead, it may be an unclear sales strategy, an underperforming sales culture or misaligned sales talent.

Recognize that you do not have all the answers. You need to find out what your customers “think” they need and then dig deeper. Only then can you provide the best solution that works for their unique sales strategy, culture and talent.

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